Items Should Be Paid Special Attention While Exporting To These Countries
1. Since 22ndMay, 2010, Iran customs are mandatory to ask for all the export goods to Bandar Abbas or transit via Bandar Abbas, each outsidepackage must be tagged with identification of Origin (Country of Origin) and shipping mark. At the same time, the PSS/BAF charges must be showed in the bill of lading, freight column (either the unit price or total price ).
2. Cargoes to Dubai or transit via Dubai should mark HS CODE additionally on the bill of lading. DUBAI cargo’s bill of lading are subject to refill PSS and BAF TO BE ON CNEES ACCOUNT (or SHIPPERS). Dubai health department and such department have regulations that forbid medicinal material entering their country, such products could not finish custom clearance in Dubai. Forbid any unclear shipping mark cargo, or actual shipping mark of goods didn't agree with the MANIFEST, or N/M cargo enter the Jebel Ali port"
3. Demanded by Saudi Arabia Railway Department, in order to ensure the security of goods, from the beginning on 24th February, 2009, all cargoes entering Saudi Arabia (Jeddah/Riyadh/Damman) must be packaged by pallets (whether LCL or FCL cargo), otherwise the dock authority will impose heavy fines to the consignee. Except for pallet packing, other strong packing such as wooden cases is also acceptable, as long as not lose carton or pieces.
At the same time it stipulates: A. The outer packing of goods need to indicate the cargo’s country of origin (Country of Origin); shipping mark logo which containing the consignee name/package serial No., otherwise there may be fines at the port of destination. B. Be sure to provide real consignee information to the agent, so that they can state manifest. If the consignee on the B/L is co-loader, please ask from clients about the actual consignee information at the same time, otherwise it may cause a fine.
4. In principle, all shipments to India, consignee on the bill of lading must be Indian local guest information, if for some triangular trade goods, the bill of lading consignee showed as other countries guest information, be sure to ask shipper to provide India local actual consignee information, so that we can provide it to the agent at the first time when filling in the materials (remark on the B/L copy). If the agent still not get the material before sending the MANIFEST, the customs will hold the whole container, result in fines and delay of stripping container. Indian customs informed, starting from November in 2008, all shipments to Nhava Sheva/Mumbai (LCL and FCL), need to indicate the Indian local importers (consignee) IEC Number on the B/L, otherwise there will be a penalty produced or the goods may be returned to the loading port (every Indian importer has an IEC Number, if not, it does not have import rights). This Number need to show in front of the BL consignee company name, for example: "0 XXXXXXXXXX SEJAL GLASS LTD". For "Notify party", also need to provide the IEC Number, and display in front of the Notify party corresponding. If the cargo to NHAVA SHEVA is Consignee’s personal belongings, then there is no need to provide the IEC NO. (private person has no IEC NO. ). If the CNEE is CO - COLOADER, provide the IEC NO of actual consignee to the agent.
5. Pakistan customs claims again, all goods to Karachi, outer packaging should be stick on Packing list & Invoice, otherwise there will be fine. That means no matter arrange what kind of paths, as long as it is goods to Karachi, must abide by the rules.
6. The Bangladesh government stipulate all import shipping bill of lading must show DTHC PREPAID or DTHC COLLECT words.
7. Since 1st July, 2009, Egypt Import and Export Administration Bureau and other relevant departments will deal with customs clearance about China industrial products exporting to Egypt based on the inspection certificate issued by China Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Institutions. It means the goods before shipment must do inspection action before loading to containers, referred as CIQ, only with Chinese inspection certificate before shipment, consignee could finish custom clearance .
8. Spanish customs require all shipments to Valencia and Barcelona (including transshipment cargo via Valencia and Barcelona), must be provided ltd. INVOICES & HS CODES prior to the ship to port, otherwise the containers will be hold in the dock, could not be removed and uploaded properly.
Alcohol, alcoholic drink, hide, animal extract nutrients, food, pharmaceuticals and tobacco, such kind of products import to Spain or transfer by Spain, the customs will require local animals, health and other special organization to carry on the inspection and quarantine.
9. Cargoes to Germany or by Germany (HAMBURG) transshipping need to refill on the bill of lading for following words: DESTINATION earlier INCL GSC/ISPS/CISF/RELEASE AND the D/O FEE ARE FOR RECEIVERS 'ACCOUNT.
10. Rotterdam occurred several accidents as some containers containing pesticides or other gaseous substances. So the Netherlands government decided to intensify inspection on imported containers. Agent RTM reminded again, HBL & the MBL can't display cargo name as follows. Too general or sensitive description will increase the risk of customs selective inspection. Ask guest to pay special attention when confirm the bill of lading.
FAK (Freight all kind); Mixed Cargo; General merchandise; Consolidated Cargo; Chemicals; Foodstuffs (Customs must be able to see whether Cargo is veterinary or not based on the description); Etc.
11. Turkey agents sort out some important items in local operation aspect:
A. The consignee in bill of lading must be registered in Turkey local tax department. B. The Istanbul transit goods, the consignee must finish custom clearance in Istanbul. So it must be indicated on BL "CUSTOM CLEARENCE MUST BE EFFECTED AT the PORT OF ENTRY '. If co-loaders issue B/L itself, house bill of lading will also display this sentence. C. Personal items should note: The goods must do customs clearance in the entry port; The shipper & consignee on the b/l must be the same person; The goods must have been used, and for personal use, non-traded goods; The person who import personal belongings, if he is Turkey residents, he must live in local for full two years, if foreigners, must obtain a residence permits or work permit from local department; Customs clearance and such formalities should be arranged by guest using his own passport. D. If consignee still had not withdraw the good when it reached port for over 45 days, the goods will be auctioned or confiscated. The relevant expenses generated, such as ocean freight (if for collection), the local costs, storage, demurrage and penalty will be paid by shipper.
12. LCL cargo to Piraeus is not allowed to have Chinese font shipping marks, all require in English, otherwise might be fined.
13. Cargoes to Beirut, please pay special attention to the following points while issue bill of lading:
A. Description of good packaging types must be specific to the small PACKAGE (e.g., cartons, wooden boxes), cannot be too general (such as PACKAGE, PIECE, PARCEL, SKID, UNIT). B. If the package is pallet, must remark the number of small packages in it, such as 2 PLTS on STC 300 CTNS. C. Commodity name description could not be too general (such as home appliances), must be specific (such as heater, refrigerator).
14. Goods to the UK, if bill of lading or manifest show N/M, the customs may impose a fine! Please stress the importance of shipping mark to the customer once again, and ensure the file description is consistent with the real goods. HB/L must show: "destination port earlier incl d/o fee, CISF for account of consignee.”
This article stems from i-tracking website, please indicate the source for reprint, please refer to local custom's real-time regulation when export.